Do you have a stock trader in your family or circle of friends? Considering finding gifts for stock traders might be a bit of a puzzle for those that don’t trade the markets this page should give you a few ideas of what might interest them.
Stock market traders may be preferential to certain gifts which align to their trading passion and it may be difficult to identify what the best gifts for stock traders are. Highlighted here are some ideas which I think may help you make a decision.
First thing that comes to mind when thinking of stock trading is the bull and bear, which are often shown on Wall Street. A bull market occurs when the stock market is generally going up while a bear market occurs when the stock market is typically going down.
Bulls and bears are used to describe the up and down of the market. A bull tends to use its horns to lift oncoming threats out of
the way and raises them into the air which is the direction of a bull market. Bears
tend to come down on you from above hence they represent a bearish market or
one that is falling.
The above desk figurines depict the back and forth of the market as it unpredictably tends to move in a preferred direction. They make good gifts for traders, stock brokers or financial advisors.
Some traders are extremely bearish and just enjoy trading the downside or bearish markets. Bearish markets tend to occur much faster than bullish markets although they are typically much shorter in duration.
Thus, a bearish trader can make more money faster when they are correct in their analysis. For bearish traders gifts which have the great bear on top of the bull to symbolize victory over the bull, such as the one on the right, may be preferred.
On the other side some traders only trade the upside or bullish side.
When trading the bullish side, a trader would only take long trades which are trades where you typically buy low and want to sell high alternately some people consider buying high and selling higher. For a bullish trader, they may prefer having the bull alone or on top of the bear. A classical styled bull on bear figurine sitting on their desk or work space would remind them of their preferred choice in markets.
One of the most difficult parts of trading is sticking to rules. Stock traders will typically write out some rules for them to follow prior to placing a trade yet find it difficult to stick to those rules. In this case, a plaque close to their desk which highlights a number of rules could be of value. In some cases, following rules makes the difference between trading profits and losses.
Is difficult to say what the best gift for a stock trader is as each trader
is an individual and as such has their own personality.
Gifts for traders may even be a distraction as they are quite focused on the market and therefore it may be better for them to have something that does not cause too much distraction.
Provided they enjoy coffee or sipping water while they trade then a mug, with a clever saying on it, specifically designed for a trader, could be of value to them. Something that reminds them every time they pick up the mug about an important concept in regards to trading.
Something a little different for any female traders in your life could be a stock trader cosmetic bag. For some traders, the worst days of the week are the weekend as they can’t wait for the bell to ring on Monday so they can get back to trading. This could be good for financial analysts or someone trade stocks, options futures are commodities.
One area that most traders have difficulty in is documenting their trades during or at the end of the day. I know for myself this is an ongoing issue. I start then stop. I know I should record my trades yet while I do it sometimes, I don’t do it all the times. For those traders that do have an issue documenting their trades, which is likely the majority of us a traders Journal could be what they require.
Sitting there right on their desk is a journal all set up to document their trades. As soon as they have a spare moment they can quickly document their last trade. The ones featured here have been reviewed by a number of buyers and seem to provide those buyers with the method of documenting their trades which ultimately should improve their overall trading results. Things to consider when purchasing a Trading Journal are does it have a spot for:
Extras to consider would be dividend quantity and when paid as well as next earnings date. A dedicated Notes section for insights and reflections on each trade. In some cases, there is one page per stock. When I look through some of my trading journals I sometime wonder why I even took that trade. Since I did not write any notes down, in some cases, I cannot figure out why I took the trade.
Hopefully, these unique gifts for stock traders which I have highlighted will give you some ideas on what to purchase for the stock trader in your life.
Gifts for Stock Traders - Stock traders are a different breed. For the stock trader in your life or as a present to yourself consider getting a trading mug. This can be used throughout the day to sip on your favourite beverage and remind you that you are a trader.
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