Alternate Trading Resources

The trading resources listed below offer traders further information on topics which are discussed on this website. The intent of this trading resources section is to suggest a few links, to websites, which can offer you guidance with your investing and stock trading activities. While we try to include only relevant websites, it is up to the reader to make the final decision. All of these links will open in a new window.

Bull and bear combo

Bulls and bears are used to describe the up and down of the market. A bull tends to use its horns to lift oncoming threats out of the way and raises them into the air which is the direction of a bull market. Bears tend to come down on you from above hence they represent a bearish market or one that is falling.

The above desk figurines depict the back and forth of the market as it unpredictably tends to move in a preferred direction. They make good gifts for traders, stock brokers or financial advisors.

Trading Resources - Psychology of Trading

To be good at stock trading most would agree that you need to deveop a plan that fits you. The plan needs to incorporate all facets of trading such as money management, when to get in and out of the market and risk control.

My Traders State of Mind - Randy Howell, trading psychologist helps you develop your emotions and mind for peak performance trading. I found his book to be one of the better psychology books out there.Stock Market Screeners

The links below contain information on stock market screeners and should be of value if you are trying to find stocks that meet specific criteria. These websites focus on technical analysis.

Penny Stock

If you are looking at trading stocks under $ 5.00, then you are likely looking for penny stocks. These websites offer you a good place to begin your search.

AllPennyStocks - is a recognized financial website devoted to Canadian and American Stocks and Penny Stocks. has a wide range of features including daily write-ups of financial news, weekly penny stocks to watch, daily top 50 penny stocks info and technical analysis to name a few. 

Stockaholics - Popular investor forums focused on penny stocks and momentum stocks.

Global Penny Stocks - offers an advisory newsletter for stocks under $5.00. Recommended by both Barron’s and Forbes, Global Penny Stocks uses technical and fundamental analysis to identify potential buy candidates.

Stock Charts and Online Charting Software

The trading resources below allow the stock trader to examine online a number of stock charts in different time frames.

StockCharts - Provides custom built screeners or you can build your own.

BigCharts - Provides interactive charts which you can add dividends, earnings splits and other information to the stock chart. - Provides free real time trading charts and data tools for world markets. Charts are fully functional with a whole range of indicators, drawing tools and settings. LiveCharts also features auto updating pivot points, market trend forecast charts and a currency strength meter.

TradingView - Offers delayed and real time charts as well as many indicators which are not available on other platforms.

Day Trading and Swing Trading

For those that like to play a fast trading game these trading resources give you an introduction to day trading and swing trading techniques.

BearBullTraders - Day trading the markets can be a challenging endeavour. BearBullTraders program's equip aspiring traders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the fast-paced world of day trading successfully.

Stockscores - Presents ideas on how to find stocks which are inplay when new information comes into the market.

Trading Ideas

Here you will find different types of ideas traders use in the stock market. These may pertain to stock trading methods, sector watches, trading signals or technical analysis. 

Dogs of the DOW - Focuses on buying the top yielding stocks in the DOW 30 Index.

Trader's Education

If you are looking for answers to frequently asked questions on articles on stock trading these resources should be able to help you.

Investopedia - your complete, unbiased, and easy to understand educational guide to investing and personal finance. The site includes a comprehensive investing dictionary as well as tutorials and articles covering just about every area of the market.

InvestmentU - A complete educational resource for the individual investor, offering unbiased investment advice, research and guidance. Features a free, twice-weekly investment email newsletter, full archive of back issues, white papers, special reports, and message board.

Invest-FAQ - obtain answers to many questions you may have on stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, trading strategies and technical analysis.

Finance Reference - Is a financial website for people with visual impairments. Get financial news, calculators for interest and loans as well as a glossary of terms.  This site puts accessibility above aesthetics, allowing users who depend on screen readers or other assistive technology to get access to essential financial information.


You can find newsletters for free or paid subscriptions. You can look at this as another set of eyes looking for potential entries for you.

Live Traders - They offer a paid subscription for a swing trading newsletter.  Each week you can expect to get trade alerts and updates as they call them and a more detailed discussion of the markets generally on Wednesday and Saturday.

Forex, Commodity and Futures Trading

To learn about Forex, the link below will send you to a page that explains it.

Forex or foreign exchange markets deal in the trading of currencies. Commodities are hard assets such as oil, gold, sugar, wheat and orange juice and can be purchased today at a specific price. Futures deal with agreeing now to a price at which you will buy something (e.g. pork bellies, oil, currency, metals etc.) for in the future.

Basic Financial Information

The links in this section will take you to websites that deal with basic personal finance.

FinanceCharts - provides free financial research services while also providing the basics for those new to investing. Covered are topics such as finance, budgets, bank accounts, credit, stock market investing adn builiding an emergency fund.

Gifts for Stock Traders - Stock traders are a different breed. For the stock trader in your life or as a present to yourself consider getting a trading mug. This can be used throughout the day to sip on your favourite beverage and remind you that you are a trader.

Two mugs
KNISPO trademark

Terms of Use and Website Agreement

Within this website there are links to other pages within the website and links which will take you to a 3rd party website. As an example, some of the links on this site will take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Monte Carlo Simulator
for Traders
3D image of a Monte Carlo Simulator for Traders Having troubles sticking with your trading system?

Do you move from system to system looking for the one system that will bring you riches?

Perhaps you already have it and tossed it aside when it went into a down period.

Using this Excel based program will show you what you can expect out of your trading system once you know the % wins and profit factor.

Stop wasting your time searching for the perfect system (which does not exist) and start trading.
